Monday, September 14, 2015

Day 379 Oh! Hey, Esther :)

The school year is underway, and I have nearly finished the
first unit on the history of psychology.  Students keep a journal
in my AP class, where they record their homework assignments
and practice free response answers for the AP Exam in May.
I have them collage the front of their journals and use it
as an opportunity to get acquainted with them, and for them
to practice their English speaking skills which is much needed.

I love looking in to these Chinese babies' lives :)  They love
all American things- Harry Potter, Friends, Game of Thrones,
CSI, Big Bang Theory, anime, Johnny Depp, Taylor Swift,
and Emma Stone, sports, music, and ice cream to name but a few.
Teens are teens all the world over.

This little cutie patootie captured my heart already
for her name is Esther, like my momma's name.
To think they get to pick their names, of all
the English names from which to choose.  I can't
wait to tell mom when I Skype her this weekend :)

So the toilet is still not fixed.  

I only slipped and tripped twice today.

Lastly, one of the many things that does not make sense at this
school is that there is not standard book rental or school fees that
 are collected by the administration during the registration process.
Nope, teachers are responsible for collecting from students who
board at our school during the week. It's ridiculous. It sure is a
good thing he's an honest man, or Jarrod could make a small
fortune collecting 'tax' for his time and trouble. He had to
collect 390y each from 55 students for graphing calculators.
Had he charged 10y more to save himself the aggravation of
making all of that change, he could have pocketed $100US
for his time and trouble! He's a good Midwestern boy, though :)
Now, how much for that toilet?!

I'm taking up a collection... starting tomorrow.

G'nite,  y'all!

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