Saturday, October 18, 2014

Day 58 Yonghe (Lama) Temple

On Saturday, 10/18, we ventured across town to see the Lama Temple.
It was built in 1694 during the Qing Dynasty.

It survived the Cultural Revolution and was reopened
to the public in 1981, still before my friends Kirsten
and Jeannette were even born... geeez, I'm old.

While it was once the Imperial Palace during the 1700's,
it now serves as a lamasery for Tibetan Buddhists.

Thousands visit daily to light incense and say their prayers.
In the Hall of Harmony and Peace, they pray to the three bronze statues of the
Buddhas of the Three Ages; Kasyapa Matanga (past), Guatama Buddha (present),
and Maitreya Buddha (future).

Or perhaps they come to simply contemplate the mysteries
of life, like Len.

Though I am a Christian, I appreciate the architecture, and their peaceful nature.

And the random statue of a dragon-turtle thing :)

I enjoyed watching father and son at the prayer wheel.
What a beautiful place.

This was in the Exoteric Hall, I believe.

The main attraction in the Pavilion of Ten Thousand Happinesses,
is the 26 m tall statue of Maitreya Buddha, the Buddha of the
future.  It is carved from a single piece of sandalwood.

After our visit there, we headed to a pizza festival.  Did someone say
pizza???  It was fabulous- all kinds of pizza and beer vendors to choose from.
It was well attended in a plaza, with live music, too :)

And, of course, there were pizza tossing demonstrations!
We had a good time :)  

Until the pollution kept climbing, and we had to mask up :/
Such is life in Beijing...but still, it's a good life.
Who doesn't love a good pizza afterall?!

G'nite, y'all!

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