Monday, October 6, 2014

Day 46 great day in the mornin'!

After pulling nearly an all nighter last night catching up on the blogging, it felt great to sleep in. When I finally woke up and looked out the window, I heard the girls' Aunt Lynn's voice say, "Great day in the mornin'!" in her best Kentucky accent :)

It's another beautiful blue sky day in Beijing!  Sunny
and 66 degrees, and an AQI of just 27-  Praise the Lord!
All my windows are wide open again today :)

I fixed myself some brunch, then made chicken curry in
the crock pot for dinner tonight.  After I cleaned up the kitchen,
I couldn't stand the thought of staying inside doing school
work on such a beautiful day, so I decided to take a walk
about my neighborhood and run a few errands.

As I walked through the apartment courtyard, I saw other people decided
to take advantage of the sunshine and clean air to do some laundry
like I did yesterday.  I love the smell of clean bedding dried on the line,

As I walked to the grocery, a man was taking his bird for a ride.
It's the Chinese way. No seriously, it is. I have not been to the Bird and
Fish Market yet, but keeping caged birds and crickets is especially popular
with older Chinese men.  Traditional cricket fighting (they keep books
on their crickets and gamble lots of money on them!) dates back to
the Song Dynasty.  Interesting... I need to get over there some weekend.

All over the neighborhood, little kids were out playing...

I think the Chinese children are just beautiful :)

Smiling, chubby, Chinese babies are especially cute.  I can't help but smile :)

I went to the bank, the bakery, and the grocery today.  As I was exiting the
grocery some stupid Chinese man pushed me through the exit with his
grocery cart and nailed my heel.  Nothing will get me saying bad words any
faster than getting hurt.  I was ticked I bled through my jeans, too. :(

On the plus side, I got all of these groceries- naan, laundry soap, milk,
potatoes, pea pods, spices, peanuts and a bottle opener for less than $12 USD
I couldn't get the milk and laundry soap for that back home.
Some days- no, most days- I really love living in China :)
Time to go; I smell curry for supper!

G'nite, y'all!

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