Friday, October 14, 2016

China 789 polluted

I started my Friday morning like any other.  Turn off the alarm, throw back the bedroom curtains, and see if I have my mountain view of the Westerlies.  If the mountains cannot be found, the AQI is already over 100 and it's time to mask up.  As I laid in bed thinking how much I hate the filthy air, I realized the date was 10/14/16, the one month anniversary of momma dying.  With heavy sighs and a heavy heart, I drug myself out of bed.

You know the air is bad if the Chinese are masked up, too,
on the morning commute to work. *ugh*

That is not a rainy, foggy morning.  That is SMOG.

All day long the pollution continued to climb.
And all day long I kept shutting the windows and
doors in our building.  The Chinese kept opening
them for the 'fresh air'.  With my windows and doors
shut, the air purifier in my room had the AQI down
to 55.  Out in the hallway, it was over 200.
Why is shutting windows and doors such a
difficult concept to grasp?  I was not in the frame
of mind to laugh it off today. I was dropping
f-bombs like it was MY JOB.

This was the view from the bathroom windows
across the hall from my classroom.  I had just
closed them for what seemed like the umpteenth
time that afternoon.  The pollution was plainly
visible in our beautiful new building for the 'haze'
around the ceiling lights.  Besides, when the
air is this filthy, you can TASTE it.
As if the day couldn't get any worse, I stayed
after school until nearly 7pm, on a Friday night,
trying to STILL get caught up on grading.  I
was walking home to my apartment, searching
the night sky for the moon (it wasn't visible in
the pollution) when I fell off the sidewalk and
did THIS.  I can't catch a freaking break as of late.

 Tomorrow is another day...

I'm trying to find my way to happy.

G'nite, y'all

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