Monday, February 15, 2016

Day 525 Elliebug is comin' to town!

I've had to sit on this post for awhile, at the orders of my youngest, Ellie.  Most of you know how incredibly proud I am of this young lady.  She was a student-athlete all through high school and graduated with honors near the top of her class.  She was appointed to the Air Force Academy, having been chosen as one of 1200 incoming freshman (only 100 females) out of 17,000 applicants. While she chose not to stay at the Academy, she transferred to Purdue and still graduated early. She got her first 'big girl job' two years ago, right out of college, working as a news reporter for KFSM in Fayetteville, Arkansas.  The camera loves her.  She is tremendously poised, so well spoken, and she has always had the personality that people are drawn to her.  She is a natural at telling other people's stories, and she loves her work.  I have watched her grow as a reporter to becoming a news anchor on the desk.  I sit in Beijing, and she lets me know when she's going on air....I then hop on my laptop, watch the live video streaming online, and sit in awe of my baby girl "doing her thang" like a pro.  I tear up every damn time.

Ellie is nearing the end of her two year contract, as I am, and she had begun the process of sending out her resume reel to stations all over the United States.  You have no idea how I happy I was to hear that her top choice was the CBS affiliate in Ft. Myers, FL.  That is just 42 miles from the home Len and I bought last May. When I flew home to Florida for winter break, Ellie called to tell me that WINK in Ft. Myers was flying her in for an interview. You have no idea how excited we both were at getting to see each other while I was stateside, and for her to get an interview with her #1 station. :-) We made plans for dinner, and for me to join her in her hotel for a girls' slumber party- just like old times!

The moment I saw her I burst in to tears.
I love my family so much.  Being away
from them and living in China is what
is most difficult for me- bar none.

We ate at this cool restaurant that was recommended by the
news director when he picked her up at the airport.
It is called Ford's Garage, and is known for its
burgers and selection of over 300 beers.

I thought of my new friend, Jade, who was
spending her winter break exploring Thailand.
She and I love sweet potato fries, and I have
never had them served with caramel sauce
for dipping.  Oh. My. God. It was like crack!
It was the coolest place! The water faucet in the ladies
room was a gas pump handle; the bowl was in a tire :-)
The napkins were shop towels with hose clamps
for napkin rings.  After listening to 'shop talk'
in NJ and Grand Cayman from Len's days
of working as a mechanic for his uncle, I can't
wait to bring him here. (Besides, he drives a F-150).

The evening passed too quickly getting caught
up on each other's lives.  Then we snuggled in
the king sized bed and watched the Grammy's
together.  It was balm to this momma's soul.

The following morning, she
was dressed for success in the dress
her momma got her for Christmas.
Funny story on this dress: Click here.

There is no greater satisfaction for a parent than
to see all five of her grown, educated children
being successful and making it in the world.  I
have always told all of my kids, I don't care what
career path you choose in life, I simply want you
to "Be Happy. Be Healthy. and Be Successful."
They all have done their momma proud; a
nurse practitioner, a Captain in the Air Force, an
attorney, a mental health therapist, and...

Meet the newly hired news reporter for WINK in Ft. Myers, Florida!!!!
When I got that bit of great news last week while sitting at my desk here in China, I had instant pangs of regret for signing on for a third year at BNDS.  Don't get me wrong, I love my job, I love the students, everyone here has been very, very good to me. However, even the handsome salary does not cover the tremendous sacrifice you make in your relationships with friends and family.  It's hard to hold relationships together, and keep them healthy, halfway across the world with a 13 hour time difference.  *Sigh*  I have made my bed, and I must lay in it- and I will make the most of it.  But I am here to tell you, the love and closeness of family is everything to me.  I cannot wait to get back home to Len this summer, to make the rounds to the rest of my family while I am home, and to have some more slumber parties with my Ellie bug, my peaches, in her new home, and mine.
  Way to go, girlie!!!

G'nite, y'all!

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