Saturday, December 6, 2014

Happy Birthday, Ellie bug!

On December 5th, 1991, arriving three weeks early at 1:04am, my baby girl, Ellen Elizabeth Thalls, made her way into the world.  My little Elliebug turned 23 this weekend, and I couldn't be more proud to be her momma.

This is one of my favorite pics of her....the girl was
born making noise, and she hasn't stopped talking since :)
Maybe it was prophetic that she become a television
news reporter when she grew up- let's hope she doesn't
put her foot in her mouth live on air!

Only 15 months apart, so different and yet so alike in many ways.
I love these two girlies with all my <3

Little sissy was really a happy little girl- always ready and willing
to try something new with no fear whatsoever- whether it was
swinging a bat or barreling down the mountain on snow skis.

Her smile is beautiful; her laugh is infectious.

She navigated the growing pains with hardly a minute's trouble for her momma.

She brought me so much joy in her high school years....
from watching her cheer at ball games, cheering her on while playing tennis... seeing her compete in speech contests through the FFA.  It was
also prophetic that all of her talking won her awards at the State
and National level with the FFA.

Every birthday, like her 17th one here, deserves a special
celebration...because she is just that special...
not only to her momma, but to everyone she meets.

I remember looking through the lens of my camera while taking pictures
of her senior prom, and I was suddenly struck at how beautiful, how
poised, and what an incredible woman she had become.
Where did those 18 years go?

And then it was high school graduation, and she was ready to set off
and make her mark in the world.  She had been one of 1200 selected, out of
 17,000 applicants, to receive a Congressional appointment to the
United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO.

Every night I poured through the pictures posted on USAFA's website,
hoping to catch a glimpse of my baby girl in basic training.  I knew
she was facing the most difficult obstacle ever in her life.
She was being tried physically, mentally, emotionally,
and even spiritually, and I couldn't have been more proud.
I cried every time I found her face in the crowd.

Then to see her graduate from basic, and to earn the title of Cadet Thalls,
it was yet another proud moment for her momma.

At the end of her first semester at USAFA, she made the most difficult
decision of her life, and that was to leave the Academy and go to
school at Purdue.  She struggled with that one for quite some time, but
as her momma, I loved her through it all, and I was proud of her.
Like my other kids, I only wanted her to be happy, healthy and successful :)

Before her senior year of college, she did a summer abroad in Italy.
True to Ellie form, she was hired as a 'dorm assistant' to help offset
the cost of tuition.   She was always incredible at nailing
an interview- the girl was born for talking :)
She also has the wanderlust like her momma; I call her my 'travel bug'. 

The summer of her college senior year,she met her great love,
through her internship at WISH TV Channel 8 news.
It makes me happy to see her so happy :)

She graduated from Purdue with Honors, finishing a semester early, too.
I've always known this girl is going places.

Just a few short months later, she talked her way through several
interviews and two job offers.  She settled on Channel 5 in Fayetteville, AR.

...I think Arkansas suits her well, don't you?

She called this one 'the many faces of Live TV', lol.  I never had any
doubt that she would nail it on camera; the girl was born to do this :)

Working from the live truck, she is right at home.
If you don't believe me, click on the link above.  This was her
live shot from today.  Only nine months on the job, and she's making
her mark in the industry.  This story was written, edited, and aired
on live television in less than twelve minutes.  I told you she's a natural :)

For 23 years and a day, you have made your entire family proud.  You are an incredibly strong, intelligent, and driven young woman.  Very simply, you are simply beautiful, both inside and out. I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.

I love you, my Ellen Elizabeth Thalls, my peaches, my sweet, sweet baby girl.  xoxo

With love,
from your momma

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