Saturday, July 18, 2015

Day 320 Back Home Again in IN

So, this summer was spent travelling to IN, NJ, FL, and HI.  I left PEK the moment international teachers were released to travel, and headed straight to Florida first.  Some of these catch up entries may be a bit out of order, but I just wanted to share the summer highlights with y'all.

Indiana wants me, Lord, I can't go back there...

Now, unless you grew up in the 70's, you have no idea what that is referencing ;)

But truthfully, and I have missed her, (Indiana) too.

I missed this girl, too, my dear friend Sue.  I hate that
my visits with friends and family are always restricted by
time.  It adds to the stress of international travelling.
Suffice it to say, I treasure ANY time spent with friends
and family, so I would LOVE IT if y'all came to the China!
I got to visit with Wanetta this trip, but sadly I missed
catching up with Susan and others.  Too many of
you, and only one of me :/
The biggest reason that brought me back to IN (apart from checking
on my mother and getting my things out of storage) was to see my
firstborn, my Sweet Emily Tess, graduate with her Master's degree.
I surprised her by flying in her sister, Elliebug, from AR. She totally
bought the 'lost luggage' story to explain the late night run to the
Indianapolis airport (it was safely hidden away in the trunk of my
rental car)! There were happy tears all around when she pulled
up at Arrivals to discover her sister standing there. I <3 surprises!!!
Proud momma moment before the ceremony began.
Miss Emily with her roommate and closest friend, Miss Josey.
Both girls studied at Anderson University (my alma mater), and
both girls received their Master's degrees in Counseling Psychology
from Ball State (also my alma mater and my graduate program!)

And the similarities don't stop there.  Both girls were
hired as outpatient therapists at Meridian Services,
where I also got my start as an outpatient mental
health therapist.  They will have a rich and rewarding
experience working for Meridian.  Their personal
and professional growth will be tremendous.
But seriously, aren't they adorable?!

So, in as much as Emily looks like me, and resisted being like me,
she has followed my educational and career path footsteps.
While Elliebug favors more of her father's side of the family
in appearance, she got my adventuresome personality,
my driven nature, and my SASS, for sure!

I am richly blessed with two beautiful,
intelligent, compassionate, incredible
daughters.  Look out world- these
girls will be making their mark, and
leaving their corner in a better place than
which it was found.  Of that, I have
absolutely NO DOUBTS. 

Time for a celebratory drink!

Congratulations, my Sweet Emily Tess!

Oh, The Places You'll (both) Go!
First stop later this summer?

Your momma loves you both, allways and always.

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