Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 183 Home is where the heart is

I have covered thousands of miles in the last 30 days, quite literally.  My trek began on January 28th when I flew the OTHER way around the world through Doha, Qatar, on my way home to the States. When I first looked in to teaching abroad, I was very interested in Dubai, UAE.  I still would consider this part of the world on my next go around, if the opportunity comes up.  The culture is fascinating to me....like China, so many strange things to see, smell, taste, touch, and just experience.

There was a whole new language of twirlygigs to figure out!

Of course, most women were covered according to
tradition.  What I didn't understand was the GIANT
teddy bear in the Doha airport?!
I enjoyed the three hour layover...free Mac stations,
cool sculptures, a display of ridiculously expensive sports
cars, and shopping!  I scored on some yummy dates
which are native to the area...

...and a stuffed camel for my new granddaughter, Marley, who was just
days old when I arrived home.  So beautiful.  I was in heaven holding her :)

I loved flying with Qatar Airlines.  The food was delicious, the people were
interesting to talk to, and even though I was flying economy, we each got this
sweet goodie bag in addition to our blanket and pillow ;)  Though it was a longer
trip in all, (about 32 hours) it was a good trip- all things considered.
So many people asked me, "Is it good to be home?"  I really wasn't
sure how to answer that...I have no 'home' anymore in Middletown.
The log cabin was sold to a lovely family from our church
in December.  In that respect, I guess I am homeless.  What I
rediscovered this trip is that home is truly where the heart is.  I
must admit, my heart is in many places at the moment-
like with my oldest, dearest friend, Wanetta, and her
husband, Greg.  We celebrated a belated Christmas and toasted
 our friendship over margaritas and authentic Mexican food. YUM!!

I spent the first weekend with my daughter Emily, and
she was sweet enough to leave a little tree up for our
belated Christmas celebration.  

She knows me well :)

I was so happy to celebrate the Superbowl with Emily,
her boyfriend Cody, and all of his family.  They are
such awesome people, I really enjoyed myself.
The only way the night could have been better is
if the Patriots had lost- dang it.
The unexpected surprise was seeing my friend Stephanie's
son, Devin, at the Superbowl party.  Devin says, "Hi, Mom!"
Soon, I was back on a plane bound for Fayetteville, AR, to spend a few days
with my youngest daughter Ellen, her boyfriend, Brett, and....

Willis T, the sailor cat!  I missed the boy :)

Ellie also left her Christmas tree up for a belated Christmas-
so thoughtful :)  We had several days together to go
hiking, shopping, out for some BBQ, and Momma K got
to do some down home cookin' for her family.  On the hike,
as I caught a glimpse of a rainbow in the icy waterfall,
I was reminded that my heart is happiest in nature-
particularly in the woods or on the sea.

And my heart is always with my kids, no matter where I am in the world.

And soon, I was back up in the air again, bound for northern Indiana
to see my mother, grandmother, my brother, and his family.
We had another belated Christmas celebration, to which Kent
exclaimed that he missed getting his dress socks for work from
his little sister.  (It's a running joke between us)  And then,
he opened one of his gifts from me- socks from China!
We all had a good laugh about that one :)

I loved being with my niece, Kristal, and her family again.
I love this girl like my own daughter.  She has felt like mine,
especially that year she lived with us when she was a freshman
in college.  Kristal knows she has her Aunt Karyn's heart.

Whenever the Kiester's get together, there's sure to be music and
dancing :)  My heart is always with my grandmother, mother,
brother and his wife and kids, and their families.  My family may
 be small in number, but we are mighty rich in love.

After saying goodbye to my family up north, and spending
an afternoon holding the hand of my nearly 102 year old
grandmother, I was back on the road heading for 'home' yet again.
I squeezed in another visit with my daughter Emily, I
stopped in Middletown to see my dear friend, Sue, then I
was off to Pendleton to see my daughter, Jennessa, her
husband Andrew, my grandkids Ava and Eli, and the
newest addition to the family, baby Marley.  We also
celebrated a belated Christmas, I cooked for them, and
Ava, Eli, and I had a marathon reading session of Mr. Putter
and Tabby- only the best children's books. ever.
There was a lot of love and heart in this home, too.
I then went to Susan and Mike's place for a second visit.  Susan
and I also go 'way back'.  She's the kind of friend that though we
may be separated by time or distance (and we have been many
times in our adult life), we always manage to pick up where
we left off, and we never miss a beat.  Soon we were back to
laughing, hugging, and having more serious 'girl talk'. Why I
didn't take a picture of her this trip is beyond me, but I
got a picture of Mittens, her kitty, drinking from the faucet, lol.

By February 12th, I was back up in the air yet again, bound
for the Florida Keys.  Seeing the sailboat from my window
seat on the plane made me burst into a huge, happy smile :)))
I named the Keys out my window as we flew from Miami to
Key West. It only seemed fitting to return to the Keys this
time of year. Though I can no longer call myself a 'snowbird',
it still felt like 'coming home.'

My heart just feels at peace with the sea, ironically, in spite of seasickness, lol.

I could not help but think of my Creator as I looked through the heavens and out on to the water.

Anytime I can put my toes in the sand, my heart is happy.
Btw, this was not me kite surfing at Anne's Beach!

My heart is with this one, too.

We took a quick road trip up to the mainland to see some properties, and
as we drove through the sugar cane fields, I was reminded I am also
a country girl at heart.  I love the simplicity of country life.  It felt
good to be riding in a pickup truck, watching tractors work the fields.

The following evening, as we drove back down Highway 1, in to the
setting sun, I was reminded yet again, of how much I love the Keys.

A few days later, we went fishing and checked the crab traps.  My heart is
happy and full any time I am on the water with the sun on my face
and the wind in my hair.  

In spite of sunburnt shoulders, to come home and have a delicious dinner
with our bounty from the sea and a frozen margarita...well it doesn't
get much better than that...

Except, of course, to simply pause in the moment
and to toast the setting sun.

God is good :)  all. the. time.

And then, far too soon, it was time to say goodbye to friends, and
to turn my thoughts toward my other home.

In the 27 hours of travel back to Beijing, I had plenty of time to reflect.  While
it has been a long, strange trip this last year of my life, I have come to realize
that being at Beijing National Day School is also starting to feel like home.

As I walked to school my first day back, I was
reminded how much I love watching these
Chinese littles.  There is just something about
seeing grandparents walking their grandchildren
to preschool each day that makes my heart smile-
inside and out :)

And on my first subway trip after my break, my
heart smiled again watching this little one
feed her momma Pringles seaweed chips.
(I have yet to acquire a taste for seaweed chips).

I know my heart is also with my students here in China.
(These are my A level kids who took a field trip to
the bathroom this week for their turn at learning
about depolarization and neural impulses :)
Oh, and I gave chocolate hearts to all of my kids
their first day back in class, simply because I <3 them all.

There's just something about the vastness of China that captures my heart.  From
the ancient temples to the Great Wall, from it's rich history, to it's red lanterns,
strange displays, and plastic flowers everywhere, it all just makes me smile-
most of the time, that is.

To see little children, or dogs, in split pants?
Really, I can't help but shake my head and smile...

...until I see either the kids- or the dogs- in their split pants,
shitting on the sidewalk.  (To your left are two grandmothers,
holding up their bare assed little ones in a squatting position,
while they do their business just as the dogs do.
 Oh China, in spite of THAT, you still have my heart...

G'nite, y'all!

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