Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Day 961 Colors abound

Despite the fact that Beijing is in an Orange Alert
(AQI 101-150) through Saturday, and it was purple
on Sunday (AQI was 238) and red yesterday (AQI
was 193) everything is coming up colorful for spring.

All of these beautiful blooming trees and flowers
were on the walk through my apartment complex
on my way home from school this afteroon.

Forsythia was the first to bloom about two weeks ago.

There are several varieties of red bud trees here.

Lilacs; my favorite!

Magnolia trees; my momma's favorite :)

The cherry blossoms smell so good!

I love the beautiful shades of spring green.

...and the wee little baby irises.

As I stepped into the courtyard, 'MY' lilac bush
is now loaded with blooms.  That's what a sunny, 70
degree day will do for them, as they were tightly closed
 buds on my way to school this morning. I took off my mask
and buried my nose in them for a few minutes....just because.

These are near the entrance to my apartment,
and I think they are some type of wild rose?
All I know is that sticking my nose in this one
made me start sneezing!

And as I stepped up the walk to my building,
#24, Tower 4...the willow trees now have their
leaves...which is my favorite kind of tree.

Sometimes, Beijing can be beautiful :)
I hope spring has sprung where ever you are.

G'nite, y'all!